掲示板ログファイル 1997年 Teishoin temple 掲示板ログファイル 1997年

BLUE;Message TEAL;Reply from Teishoin

Name = 地蔵菩薩
email = machida@interlink.or.jp
Url = http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~shmachi/index.html
Comment = オウム信者カウセリング体験発表(曹洞宗教化学大会)のお知らせ
 一般の方も参加可能ですので、関心のある方は参加してみてください。 林氏の発表は第3部会14:20ごろの予定です。

 さらに、16:00から17:00まで、記念講演として同大学の中央講堂にて、東京工業大学助教授 上田紀行氏が「現代社会と癒し」という演題で講演予定です。
DATE : 97/11/12 2:24:37

 来たる11月18日、世田谷区の駒沢大学を会場に 9:30開会、10:15~16:00迄順次発表、16:00より記念講演という日程で曹洞宗教化学大会が開催されます。

Name = Robert Wilson
email = bob_wilson@msn.com
Comment =
DATE : 97/11/9 9:13:57

Dear Robert Wilson.
Thank you very much for your visit.
I look forward to future relations.

Name = Susan Helene
email = gunder@televar.com
Url = http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/1533(Clich the following image)
Comment = Please, Come and refresh your Spirit, and Enlighten your mind.

DATE : 97/11/9 1:59:20

I came upon your Page today,
You have so much to share.
You make the world much Brighter,
It shows you really care.!

Upward & Onward
fellow 'Web-Writer'

Dear Susan Helene.
Thank you very much for your mail. I had an oppotunity to see your webpage. How beautiful Yosemite is!
Best wishes for your furture success.

Name = Corey Wincn
email = c-wincn@ridgecrest.ca.us
Comment = Thank you
DATE : 97/11/1 15:41:0

Dear Corey Wincn.
Hello! Thank you very much for your mail.
Good luck to you!

Name = World Appeal from T.D. Lakha Lama
Email = tibetdk@hotmail.com
URL = http://www.tibet.dk/charity/
Is now performed at 16 places in 10 countries. Many sincere thanks to all supporters.
You can join this ceremony by the very simple act of lighting a candle in your window at 10th December 1997 kl 18.00
Or by constructing a free format mandala with 1000 lights together with some humans around you and light it at the 10th December 1997 kl 18.00
Please join at http://www.tibet.dk/charity/mandala/world1.htm
or http://www.tibet.dk/charity/mandala/lamp1.htm

Thank you very much for your information.
We wish you the best of success in THE 1000 LAMP MANDALA CEREMONY.
yours; in gassho.

Name = 地蔵菩薩
email = machida@interlink.or.jp
Url = http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~shmachi/index.html
Comment = SUB:【招待】さんがの会講演の夕べ

 浄土宗 清林寺が中心となって運営されているさんがの会のご厚意で、同会が主催する講演の夕べに会議室の皆様をご招待できることになりましたのでご案内します。  時間があまりないので、ご希望の方はお速めに地蔵までメールください。

 慶應義塾大学教授 深田甫氏

 同朋大学助教授 田代俊孝氏


■主催 さんがの会
■協賛 浄土宗 清林寺 社会福祉法人桜雲会 伝統に逢う会 株式会社バベルインター ナショナル
■日時:10月28日火曜日 会場16:20 開演17:20~21:00
■会場:よみうりホール 有楽町駅前そごうデパート7階

DATE : 97/10/23 3:43:0

 今回は、「さんがの会」主催の講演会についての情報をいただきました。 書き込みの通り開催まで時間がありません。ご希望の方は早めに上記アドレスへ連絡くださるようにお願いいたします。

Name = Ward Holloway Jr
email = ward_holloway_jr@compuserve.com
Comment = Thank you for your wisdom.
DATE : 97/10/17 9:56:54

Dear Ward Holloway Jr.
Thank you very much for your mail.
Your comment really meant a great deal to me!
With all my best wishes for your future. Gassho.

Name = Darran Bogden
email = bogdendp@bmts.com
Comment = I hope to travel to Japan some day and do a sesshin during my trip.
I welcome email from Canadians (who are studying Zen in Japan who would like to correspond with someone "back home"!
Also, can you recommend websites that have good photos of Zen gardens?
Thanks for such a good website! Darran (from Ontario, Canada)
DATE : 97/10/5 18:43:5

Dear Darran Bogden.
Thank you very much for your email.
It's interesting that Japanese gardens developed very much under the influence of Buddhism.
Perhaps, Zen Buddhism has had the biggest influence on garden-making, with the idea of making a whole cosmos in a amall space...
I have the pleasure to introduce the webstie about Japanese Garden by Mr.Chisao Shigemori , garden designer.

yours; Gassho.

Name = 地蔵菩薩
email = machida@interlink.or.jp
Url = http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~shmachi/index.html
Comment = 南無の会青年部遠藤誠弁護士の講演案内

      <演題>「今のお寺に仏教はない!!」 -本当の仏教を知る-

 マスコミでもご存知の方も多いことと思いますが、11月定例会は弁護士遠藤誠先生を講師にお招きしてお話をききます。本業は「仏教徒」とおっしゃられる先生のお話 はわかり易く、味わい深いものです。今回の内容は、現代の仏教についてや、ニセ宗教の見分けかたについてわかり易くお話ししていただきます。
 先生は「今のお寺に仏教はない」という著書も出版されていますが、どういうものが仏教なのか、また真の宗教とはどういうものなのか、ニセ宗教とはどのように怖いの かなどについてきいてみたいと思います。

講師 遠藤 誠氏のプロフィール
東京大学法学部に入学。在学中、複数の革命運動組織に所属し史上初の火炎ビン闘争 に参加した。東大卒業後参議院法制局主事・千葉地裁判事補を経て、現在第二東京弁 護士会所属弁護士。
帝銀事件平沢貞道氏の死後再審請求事件、永山則夫氏の事件、反権力自衛官の免職取 り消し請求事件の各弁護団長。暴力団新法に関する行政訴訟で一時、山口組弁護団長 も務めた。オウム真理教事件では青山吉伸・麻原彰晃両被告から弁護を依頼され、青 山被告のみを受けたが、後に解任された。

「般若心経」「観音教」「歎異抄」(フォービギナーズシリーズ)「道元禅とは何か 」「絶望と歓喜ー歎異抄入門」「帝銀事件裁判の謎」「コンメンタール暴力団新法」 「弁護士と仏教と革命」「今のお寺に仏教はない」「真の宗教ニセの宗教」 現在「現代人の仏教の会」「弁護士会仏教勉強会」を主宰。


日時:11月21日(金)   PM6:45受付
               PM9:00 終了
住所:渋谷区神宮前6-31―15-7A マンション31 7F A号室
会費:1,000円   。。。。,。


Name = 今岡達雄
email = imaoka@ppp.bekkoame.or.jp
URL = http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~imaoka/
Comment = バーチャル寺院:善照寺の住職今岡達雄と申します。
皆様からの回答は統計的に処理し、個々の回答内容(個人的な情報)を利用することは一切ございません。 調査主旨をご理解いただきご協力されますようお願い申しあげます。

DATE = 1997/9/15 14:16


   Name =
email = whs947@aol.com
Comment = thank you for the chance to experience your site. i enjoyed it very much, again thanks.
DATE : 1997/9/15 11:54

Thank you very much for your comment.
It was good to here from you!
...in Gassho.

Name = Student William
email = zenmale@hotmail.com
Comment = Have a Tao Day ?
DATE : 1997/8/31 08:16:48

Dear William.
Thank you very much for your mail.
Divination by the Taoism is still widely practiced in both Japanese shrines and temples. (Omikuji lottely etc...) Although we formally adopted the Western calendar, we retain observances of the complex Chinese calendar (from Taoism), especially when choosing a propitious day (and avoiding an unlucky one) for a wedding or funeral.

Name = John McNew
email = jmcnew@earthling.net
Comment = I really like your web site.
DATE : 1997/8/28 13:54:31

Thank you very much for your e-mail.
I was very excited to have your comment!
Best wishes for your further success.

Name = 地蔵菩薩
email = machida@interlink.or.jp
Comment = 映画「良寛」の上映は8月28日までです。
DATE : 1997/8/11 00:22:34


Name = Mary Beth Krane Derr
email = MDerr63050@aol.com
Comment = Please help save a life!
Hello everyone. Please do *whatever* you can to help with this request. Today I received the sad news quite by Internet concidence about Alan Kuo, a Chinese-American young man, a biomedical researcher at University of California at San Francisco, who is dying of leukemia and in critical need of a bone marrow transplant. Though I haven't been able to confirm this, yet, I believe Alan is the same as a longlost friend of mine and if it is indeed the same person, he is a wonderful, humorous, bright, affectionate person. Please do whatever you can to pass on this message and to help locate Asian people who are willing to register as donors. More information can be found on the website at www.slip.net/~rwwood
Many blessings to you all, Mary Beth Krane Derr

July 24, 1997

Dear friends, apologies for the mass-mailing and for the delays. Most of you have not heard from me for awhile, or at best received a cursory note saying that I was busy. I owe each of you an explanation. When reading what follows, I ask that you think of pleasant times and conversations, both profound and light-hearted, that I have had with each of you. Without further ado, here is my explanation:

As each of you already knows, I have been suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia for more than two years. Various attempts to control or eradicate the cancerous bone marrow cells have so far failed. But at least my doctor and I were able to keep the cancer at bay to the extent that I could function as a normal and real human being. For the past two years I have sought treatments, worked and played, traveled and enjoyed the big and little things in Life, continued old friendships and even built new ones, and found Love. So in a sense my cancer was not real, it was merely an abstraction from a blood smear.

Now everything has changed, and not for the better. On July 7, 1997, I was diagnosed as entering 'blast crisis', where the erstwhile chronic leukemia becomes acute and chemotherapeutic regimens become but delaying actions to forestall the inevitable. From three to six months from now my cancerous marrow cells will proliferate out of control and kill me, unless they are ruthlessly eradicated and replaced with someone else's healthy bone marrow. Of course that healthy marrow must be tissue-compatible with me (must 'match' me).

Most of you already know about the existence of bone marrow donor registries, that no one on those registries matches me, and that the best chance of finding someone who matches me is to add as many Asians as possible to those registries. And many of you, thankfully, have made great efforts to add Asians to those registries. Unfortunately, despite two years of effort, we have not yet found a match for me. So today, I ask you to join me to try again. I say, One last push. Because THIS IS IT.

So what to do? Just get every Asian on the planet registered. Here's how to do it:

1. If you are Asian, get yourself registered. And your relatives too. In the USA, it's free.

2. Get all your Asian friends, colleagues, and associates registered.

3. Pass this note (soft and hard copies) or selected parts of it to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. I have written a 'personal appeal' at the bottom of this email that should be suitable for this purpose. The same appeal appears on my new website.

4. Website, what website? It should be up-and-running by the time you get this email. It is rudimentary, but is improving. The technical master behind it is Ben Burbridge and technical difficulties shall be made known to him. This website contains all sorts of stuff that are useful in order to get registered and to convince other people to register. Feel free to copy or download anything there. The URL is www.slip.net/~rwwood

5. Volunteer for registration drives, or organize one yourself. An easy way to do this is to call up one of the non-profit organizations that exist to register Asians. There is also no reason you might not donate technical expertise or money to these or other such organizations. In the USA, the major non-profits are:

Asian American Donor Program (AADP)
2363 Mariner Square Drive, Suite 241
Alameda, CA 94501 USA
510-523-3366 phone
510-523-3790 fax

Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M)
Casa Heiwa, 231 E. 3rd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013 USA
213-473-1661 phone

Cammy Lee Leukemia Foundation (CLLF)
37 St. Marks Place, Suite B
New York, New York 10003 USA
212-460-5983 phone
212-460-5971 fax

Buddhist Compassion Relief
Tzu-Chi Foundation USA (BCRTCFUSA)
1000 S. Garfield Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 91801 USA
626-281-9801 marrow hotline
626-281-3383 phone
626-281-9799 fax

6. Do your own thing. For example, Ray Lin has today taken it upon himself to contact every news agency in the San Francisco Bay Area and talk them into running a story about me. Holle Singer filmed an interview with me in New York to be used as a public service announcement. Ben of course created the website. Others of you have volunteered to write newspaper articles or to create videos or to contact Asian community organizations or Asian churches. Translation of my personal appeal into Korean and Vietnamese is a must (I already have people doing Chinese and Japanese).

7. For more information, consult the website, contact the non-profits, or talk to my parents James and Joyce [djea88a@prodigy.com], my sister Zenda [zendakuo@compuserve.com], or my sweetie Ako [ah@aapcho. org]. DO NOT REPLY to this email address, as it is temporary.

I find this letter strange, because as you know I am a fairly independent kind of person. But for the first time I truly truly need your help. Without it I definitely will not make it to your next birthday party. ;)

Good luck, take care, and of course, be most excellent to your friends. Love, Alan

PERSONAL APPEAL from Alan Kuo follows

Hello. My name is Alan Kuo. I have only three months left to live, according to my doctors. Only someone like you can save me. This is why:

I have leukemia, a cancer of the blood. The only known cure for this disease is a bone marrow transplant. Without it I will die. To receive a transplant, I must find a tissue-matched donor. Because tissue type varies by ethnicity, my matching donor will most likely be found among people like myself, people of Asian descent - like you.

So far, I have not found a matching donor.

This is why I am appealing to you, a fellow Asian, to ask for your help. You and your friends can make the difference between life and death for me, as well as for others present and future who suffer from this cancer. It takes just fifteen minutes of your time, a simple blood test will determine if you are my match. Please help save my life by registering with your local marrow donor program.

My parents are immigrants from China and Taiwan, and I love them and my sister dearly. My family has pushed me to study hard at Harvard and to earn my PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; I am presently doing biomedical research at the University of California at San Francisco, a premier medical center which is also treating my leukemia. I am sad that my promising career is being prematurely terminated by a random disease. I am far more saddened by the possibility of being separated forever, in as little as three months, from my family, from my many friends, and from my dear Ako. And I wish more than anything to continue enjoying this blessing we call Life. So please get your tissue typed, you might save a life. >>
DATE : 1997/8/3 11:39:33

 内容は、彼女のかつての友人(と思われる)、アラン氏に対するドナー提供の呼びかけです。  アラン氏は中国系アメリカ人で、カリフォルニアにて生物医学を研究しています。



**Please Note!!** : You only need to donate one vial of blood to get on the registry and that, if you are ultimately chosen to donate, the procedure is not too invasive (marrow is extracted from pelvic bones, usually under general anesthesia--you're sore for a few days, but I understand that that's about it). I think that if more people truly understood how relatively painless the procedure is for donors, more people might register.

If people want more info on the procedure itself, the website is at www.marrow.org.>>

Thank you again for your kindness.

 ドナー登録には、薬小瓶程度の血液で充分です。もし貴方が提供者に選ばれた場合、提供はそれほど生活を拘束しません。 全身麻酔を行うため、少しの痛みが数日残るだけですみます。痛みがそれほどでは無いことを知って、もっと多くの方に登録して欲しいのです。 詳細はここをごらんください。

Name = Gordon Sullivan
email = gordsull@Libby.org
Comment = Sent information
DATE : 1997/7/31 04:29:58

Dear Gordon Sullivan.
Thank you very much for your information!

Name = 地蔵菩薩
email = machida@interlink.or.jp
Url = http://www.justnet.or.jp/home/shmachi/WELCOME.HTM
Comment = それでは調子に乗って、南無の会青年部のご案内までさせていただきます。




●講師  内田朱美(うちだ あけみ)師


●日時  平成9年8月29日金曜日 午後6時30分受付 午後7時開会
●場所  日本心理センター
     マンション31 7F 7A号室 
      ●参加費 1000円

 そのなかで、大阪の曹洞宗の在家の方が、あの世はないんだ、今をいきるのだとひとりがんばっています。 どなたか援護射撃をされる方がいらっしゃいましたら、かき込みをお願いします。
場所は、ニフティサーブ マインドステーション(シスオペは浄土真宗の僧侶)
DATE : 1997/7/25 04:39:59


Name = 地蔵菩薩
email = machida@interlink.or.jp
Url = http://www.justnet.or.jp/home/shmachi/WELCOME.HTM
Comment = 7月19日より、松本幸四郎主演「良寛」が公開されました。 初回の11時には、シネスィッチ銀座で松本幸四郎、鈴木京香らが舞台挨拶。 定員の倍以上の観客が押し寄せ、立ち見の熱気につつまれました。

ご希望でしたら、映画のチラシ、パンフレットを送付致します。 また、「自主上映の手引き」もご用意しております。 下記まで送り先を電子メール下さい。


[東京] シネマスイッチ銀座 7月19日封切り
[大阪] シネマアルゴ梅田  8月2日封切り決定
[名古屋]名古屋シネプラザ3 9月6日封切り決定
[福岡] シネマ北天神    9月6日封切り決定
[札幌] 札幌三越名画劇場  8月16日封切り決定
[新潟] シネ・ウィンド   7月26日~8月15日
[長岡] マリオン      10月予定
[柏崎] 柏盛座       9月予定
[三条] 三条東映      11月予定 
[岡山] シネマ・ルクール  10月下旬予定
[函館] シネマアイリス   札幌上映終了後
[山形] 山形フォーラム   10月予定
[宮古] 宮古マリオン    10月予定 
いずれも4週から8週の上映予定です。 そのほか、9月より16ミリで全国各地でまわる予定です
 ※そのほか、別府(11月8日決定)、京都、松本、長野、   静岡、清水、沼津(11月28日決定)、鎌倉、川崎、   大宮、水戸、筑波、土浦、宇都宮などで自主上映企画進行中。

SUB:「良寛の心」展 開催のご案内
 東京・銀座8丁目の福家書店では、7月26日まで、映画「良寛」の公開に協賛して、一階の店内で「良寛ブックフェアー」、二階のギャラリーで「良寛の心」展を開催中 です。

 「良寛ブックフェアー」では、良寛関係の出版を手がける各社から出品。  日頃入手が困難な専門的研究書も手にとって見ることができます。


 これを機会に、是非良寛の本物の書に触れてみられてはいかがでしょうか。 入場は無料です。

 4月よりニフティサーブに南無の会青年部の電子会議室が発足しました。 GO SPYMIND MES15です。
DATE : 1997/7/23 00:57:07

 地蔵菩薩さん、ご訪問ありがとうございます。映画「良寛」広報担当の方からの書き込みです。  「スターウォーズ」や「もののけ姫」もいいですが、曹洞宗に深い関わりがある「良寛」和尚の世界を、是非鑑賞されることをお勧めいたします。

DATE :1997/7/19

Name = Daniel M. Moran
email = morandan@hotmail.com
Url = members.aol.com/manron
Comment = Awareness is beautiful.
DATE : 1997/7/8 12:49:37

Dear Daniel M. Moran. I think so ,too. :-)

Name = Steve Coutermarsh
email =steve@endor.com
Comment = are there any web site that contain more English.
I liked your site and am very interested in Zazen.
DATE : 1997/7/1 12:07:00

Dear Steve Coutermarsh.
Thank you very much for your Email.
There are some Soto Zen temples in USA which is running website. The listing of Zen temple in USA is here.



Teishoin.net by Rev.Tetsuya Kameno is licensed under a Creative Commons