Daihonzan Sojiji Zazen Information

Daihonzan Sojiji Zazen Information

Denko-e Sesshin Retreat
( 5 days ZAZEN retreat in June)

fee: about 10,000-20,000 yen per person
(for 5days)

Normal Schedule
- from 16th to 19th -

4:00 Wake up bell
4:15 1st Zazen period Start
Morning Service
Walking Meditation
5:15 2nd Zazen period Start
Walking Meditation
6:00 Breakfast in zazen
8:30 Dharma Talk
3rd Zazen period
walking Meditation
11:30 Lunch in zazen 
13:30 Dhanna Talk
15:00 Tea Time in zazen
Walking Meditation
4th Zazen period .
Walking Meditation :
16:10 Dinner in zazen
19:00 5th zazen period Start
Walking Meditation
6th zazen period
21:00 Sleep in zazen

The Previous Day's Schedule

13:00 Visitors Check In
15:00 Introductions
opening Ceremony
Evening Service
17:00 Dinner
19:00 Bathing
20:30 Bed Making
21:00 Lights out

The Last Day's Schedule

Normal Schedule until 19 O'clock
19:00 5th Zazen period Start
Walking. Meditation
20:00 6th Zazen period Start
20:50 Statement of Patriarch
21:00 Completed Retreat
The Following Day - 21th
At the morning service
visitors are celebrated, and
they have ending ceremony and
small party after that.

DAIHONZAN SOJIJI  Head Monastry of soto zen Buddhism
1-1 ,Tsurumi 2-chome, Tsurumi-ku , Kanagawa-ken 2300063 JAPAN
Tel 045-581-6021 Fax 045-571-8221

2000 Denko-e Sesshin APPLICATION FORM


NAME_______________________ AGE_______ SEX______


PHONE & FAX_____________________________________________


How long have you been practicing Zazen?__________________

Name of Zen Centre where you are practicing__________________

Name of your teacher__________________

Are you ordained? YES / NO. (circle one)

If YES: lay person ordination / monk ordination?

If ordained: WHERE?______________________



DHARMA NAME?______________________

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