曹洞宗でよまれるお経のひとつに修証義があります。 開祖道元禅師の主著「正法眼蔵」を中心に引用し、明治23年に編纂されたものです。 経典は、全5章3704文字から成り立ち、日本語によるわかりやすい経典であります。
Chap3. Ordination and Enlightenment
Next, you should deeply venerate the three treasures. They deserve our veneration and respect no matter how much our life and body may change. The Buddhas and patriarchs, in both India and China, correctly transmitted this reverent veneration of the Buddha, the law, and the Buddhist community.
Unfortunate and virtueless people are unable to hear even the name of the three treasures, let alone take refuge in them. Do not act like those who, awe-struck, vainly take refuge in mountain deities and ghosts or worship at non-Buddhist shrines, for it is impossible to gain release from suffering in this way. Instead, quickly take refuge in the Buddha, the law, and the Buddhist community, seeking not only release from suffering but complete enlightenment as well.
Taking refuge in the three treasures means, first of all, to come with a pure faith. Whether during the Tathagata's lifetime or after it, people should place their hands together in gassho and, with lowered heads, chant the following:
"We take refuge in the Buddha. We take refuge in the law.
We take refuge in the Buddhist community. We take refuge in the Buddha because he is our great teacher. We take refuge in the law because it is good medicine. We take refuge in the Buddhist community because it is composed of excellent friends." It is only by taking refuge in the three treasures that one can become a disciple of the Buddha and become qualified to receive all the other precepts.
The merit of having taken refuge in the three treasures inevitably appears when there is spiritual communion between the trainee and the Buddha. Those who experience this communion inevitably take this refuge whether they find themselves existing as celestial or human beings, dwellers in hell, hungry ghosts, or animals.
As a result, the merit that is accumulated thereby inevitably increases through the various stages of existence, leading ultimately to the highest supreme enlightenment. Know that the Bhagavat himself has already borne witness to the fact that this merit is of unsurpassed value and unfathomable profundity. Therefore all living creatures should take this refuge.
Next we should receive the three pure precepts. The first of them is to do no evil, the second to do good, and the third to confer abundant benefits on all living creatures. We should then accept the ten grave prohibitions:
(I) do not kill,
(2) do not steal,
(3) do not engage in improper sexual conduct,
(4) do not lie,
(5) do not deal in intoxicating beverages,
(6) do not speak of the faults of others,
(7) do not be too proud to praise others,
(8) do not covet either the law or property,
(9) do not give way to anger,and
(10) do not disparage the three treasures.The various Buddhas have all received and observed the three refuges, the three pure precepts, and the ten grave prohibitions. By receiving these precepts one realizes the supreme Bodhi-wisdom, the adamantine, indestructible enlightenment of the various Buddhas in the three stages of time.
Is there any wise person who would not gladly seek this goal? The Bhagavat has clearly shown to all sentient beings that when they receive the Buddha's precepts, they enter into the realm of the various Buddhas - truly becoming their children and realizing the same great enlightenment.
All the Buddhas dwell in this realm, perceiving everything clearly without leaving any traces. When ordinary beings make this their dwelling place, they no longer distinguish between subject and object.
At that time everything in the universe - whether earth, grass, tree, fence, tile, or pebble - functions as a manifestation of enlightenment; and those who receive the effects of this manifestation realize enlightenment without being aware of it.
This is the merit of nondoing and nonstriving - awakening to the Bodhi-mind.
Concerning the English translation. - These translations are not offered as versions, but rather are selections from the by various English.speaking Zen groups.
Chap1. General Introduction
Chap2. Release Through Repentance
Chap3. Ordination and Enlightenment
Chap4. Making the Altruistic Vow
Chap5. Constant Practice and Gratitude
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